Our Media: Digital 6-Sheets
Digital 6-Sheets
Digital 6-Sheets (D6s) are highly visible and attention grabbing. The high quality of the screen will give your business prestige and motion copy and video contact can be utilised.
Digital 6-Sheets
D6’s feature across both our health club and shopping mall networks throughout the country. Just let us know where your business is based and we will run a proximity search.
The benefits of Digital 6-Sheets
D6’s are situated in key areas throughout each venue, meaning you can reach high footfalls of your target audience. You can run a flexible campaign to suit your needs and copy can be uploaded within 30 minutes.
How we can help
Please call us on 01252 368 368 or email sales@boomerangmedia.co.uk to find out more about how our hugely popular D6 screens can help you.