An active opportunity
Active advertising
So the last time I provided an update on the Health & Fitness marketplace – back in June – I hinted at a new positioning for our Health Club network.
Well, after considerable research & development by the MarComms team here, I’m pleased to say it’s arrived in the form of Active Advertising.
In a nutshell, this platform recognises that via gyms, an advertiser can access thousands of highly motivated & ambitious people, who have money to spend, whilst in an alert state-of-mind – & crucially – with a proven preference for a wide range of high-end goods & services.
Sounds good… but how did we come to this conclusion?
Well, here they are the three insights that underpin Active Advertising
1. I want it… & I want it now!
There’s increased recognition amongst the media fraternity that gym members are a highly motivated lot, with plenty of money to spend on high-end brands & lifestyle products. They want it & they want it now – holidays, new cars, eating out, beauty treatments, the latest technology, designer clothes & fragrances. Their values, beliefs & motivations mean they aspire to the best things in life & they enjoy the success that inevitably comes with hard work. Their interests extend way beyond health & fitness products – & for advertisers that is great news. The TGI survey confirms that 79% of Health Club members believe it’s worth paying extra for quality goods; 60% want to get to the top of the career ladder; whilst as a group, they’re also 26% more likely to earn £50k+.
2. Appreciation of the environment & advertising context
Did you realise that 94% of gym-goers say they arrive in a positive mind-set? In their own words, they’re focused, determined & relaxed. Most planners would agree that the best time for an advertiser to approach a prospect is when they are thinking about themselves, enjoying ‘me time’. And the place that successful & affluent people often go to spend time on themselves is the gym. This context helps enhance media campaigns that run in the environment – the audience is receptive & in a great state-of-mind – & as a result, 43% often notice ads around the gym.
3. Recognition of the effectiveness of the media channels
Time & time again, we’re generating excellent results for our advertising partners. Whether it’s a product demonstration, use of social media, a free sample, an innovative shower-room graphic or a striking D6 display, we’re delivering campaigns that are cutting through & leaving their mark on their intended audience. One glance at the case studies page on our website says it all really. It’s no surprise then, that 33% of gym-goers are more likely to buy products they see advertised within their Health Club.
So what next?
Well, if you’re interested in reaching this desirable audience, at a time when they are most receptive, then feel free to contact us, or download a brochure to find out more.
Dan Photi Head of Sales @ Boomerang Media